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  • Got my verefication letter and it clearly states the car got a HSV performance pakage,code A9P.
    Now,i will fax this to HSV tommorow and find out once and for all,who done this upgrade.Holden or HSV.
    I am aware that A9P just means an upgrade to the VP but why is Holden continually saing it was a HSV upgrade.
    I hope i can finally solve the mystery as everyone ive spoken to is stumped.
    Hi again,could you tell me exactly where this tag should be as i had a look yesterday and the is a hole that seems to have been plugged.

    Hi,i dosent have the tag and my last Vs ss hsv did.I questioned this and was told that not all had the tag.To confirm this i rang holden and on their database and HSV have both confirmed it has had the factory upgrade.
    A little wierd but both cant be wrong?
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