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WAR is getting Close.

keith reed

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Russia's concerns are that the Ukraine will join NATO that will allow the US to install hypersonic weapons on the Ukraine border. The distance from the border to Moscow in flight time is five minutes. Russia has said that they will act if Ukraine joins NATO.


Redblock Jesus
Jul 3, 2006
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It's OK guys, Biden will save us. He's the only one for the job....


Can't live without smoky bacon!
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Putin's not that silly ... only an idiot would build up forces so openly.... the West needs to stand down because the wrong move could escalate the situation.... Russia has troops massed near its sovereign border....as it is perfectly entitled to do..... shipping weapons to the Ukraine is asking for trouble...

Maybe a short history lesson?

Ukraine/Crimea 2014, Georgia 2008, Chechnya 1999 and 1994 and these were actual invasions, there have been plenty of other more covert operations in ex USSR territories to help install pro-Russia governments.

Right now Russia is fighting a covert war in the Ukraine after signing an agreement to specifically not invade the Ukraine after it handed over the nukes that were stationed their during the Soviet era and yet here we are, they annexed the Crimea peninsula as well as the terrorist activities that continue to this day on the Eastern border region with Russia.

Couldn't agree any more....

It has been well documented the amount of troops and equipment Putin has placed around the border....It's the media that's beating up the prospect of Putin invading Ukraine, just like the media is beating up China wanting to invade Taiwan (I think)...

Next we'll hear, Australia wants to invade New Zealand or New Guinea, because Australia needs more countries to help defend it's own mother land, just to boost some media mongel's ratings....

Xi has made it clear that he is willing to use force and invade Taiwan if it doesn't capitulate to their rule.


Can't live without smoky bacon!
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Apr 15, 2006
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Russia's concerns are that the Ukraine will join NATO that will allow the US to install hypersonic weapons on the Ukraine border. The distance from the border to Moscow in flight time is five minutes. Russia has said that they will act if Ukraine joins NATO.

The reality is that Putin has no right to dictate what a foreign sovereign nation does or does not do to protect itself.

Russia has also plunged the world into a new cold war with their weapons developments.

Putin is ex KGB and is longing for the "good ol' days"!

keith reed

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Maybe a short history lesson?

Ukraine/Crimea 2014, Georgia 2008, Chechnya 1999 and 1994 and these were actual invasions, there have been plenty of other more covert operations in ex USSR territories to help install pro-Russia governments.

Right now Russia is fighting a covert war in the Ukraine after signing an agreement to specifically not invade the Ukraine after it handed over the nukes that were stationed their during the Soviet era and yet here we are, they annexed the Crimea peninsula as well as the terrorist activities that continue to this day on the Eastern border region with Russia.

Xi has made it clear that he is willing to use force and invade Taiwan if it doesn't capitulate to their rule.
Perhaps go back a bit further in history. Until the 1750's Crimea was part of the Ottoman Empire. They were beaten by the Russians and became part of the Russian empire. After the revolution they along with Ukraine became part of the USSR. During the second world war Stalin accused the Ukrainians of siding with the Germans and kicked them all out and replaced them with Russians. In the 1950"s Khruschev (spelling) gave Crimea to Ukraine. Upon the split of the USSR Crimea remained part of Ukraine. Note the people of Crimea are predominantly Russian. In 2014 they had a vote to return to Russia or remain with the Ukraine. The vote to return to Russia was about 95%. Why would Russia have to invade?
Last edited:

Ginger Beer

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Mar 31, 2020
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Prime Ministers office, Prime Minister speaking
Greetings? This is the secretary of war
At the state department of the United States?
We have a problem, the companies want something done
About this sluggish world economic situation?
Profits have been running a little thin lately
And we, we need to stimulate some growth?

Now we know there's an alarmingly high number of young
people Roaming around in your country with nothing to do
But stir up trouble for the police and damage private property
It doesn't look like they'll ever get a job?

It's about time we did something constructive with these people?
We've got thousands of 'em here too, they're crawling all over

The companies think it's time we all sit down
Have a serious get-together and start another war
The President, he loves the idea!
All those missiles streaming overhead to and fro
Napalm, people running down the road, skin on fire

The Soviets seem up for it
The Kremlin's been itching for the real thing for years
Wanna little going away present for [Incomprehensible]
Hell, Afghanistan's no fun, so what do ya say?
We don't even have to win this war
We just want to cut down on some of this excess population?

Now look, just start up a draft
Draft as many of those people as you can

We'll call up every last youngster we can get our hands on
Give 'em an hour or two to learn how to use an automatic rifle
And send 'em on their way, El Salvador, how 'bout Northern Ireland?
Or a "moderately repressive regime" in South America?

We'll just cook up a good Soviet threat story in the middle east?
We need that oil, we had Libya all ready to go
And Colonel Khadafy's hit squad didn't even show up
I tell ya, that man is unreliable
The Russians had their fingers on the button
Just like we did for that one?

Now just think for a minute, we can make this war so big, so big
The more people we kill in this war, the more the economy will prosper
We can get rid of practically everybody on your dole queue
If we plan this right
Take every loafer on welfare right off our computer rolls

Now don't worry about demonstrations, just pump up your drug supply
So many people have hooked themselves on heroin
And amphetamines since we took over, it's just like Vietnam
We had everybody so busy with LSD they never got too strong
Kept the war functioning just fine?

It's easy, we've got our college kids so interested in beer
They don't even care if we start manufacturing germ bombs again
Put a nuclear stockpile in their back yard
They wouldn't even know what it looked like
So how 'bout it? I mean, look, war is money

The arms manufacturers tell me
Unless we get our bomb factories up to full production
The whole economy is going to collapse
The Soviets are in the same boat
We all agree the time has come for the big one

So what do ya say? [incomprehensible]
That's excellent, we knew you'd agree
The companies will be very pleased



Can't live without smoky bacon!
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Apr 15, 2006
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Sth Auck, NZ
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Perhaps go back a bit further in history. Until the 1750's Crimea was part of the Ottoman Empire. They were beaten by the Russians and became part of the Russian empire. After the revolution they along with Ukraine became part of the USSR. During the second world war Stalin accused the Ukrainians of siding with the Germans and kicked them all out and replaced them with Russians. In the 1950"s Kruschev (spelling) gave Crimea to Ukraine. Upon the split of the USSR Crimea remained part of Ukraine. Note the people of Crimea are predominantly Russian. In 2014 they had a vote to return to Russia or remain with the Ukraine. The vote to return to Russia was about 95%. Why would Russia have to invade?

Non the less they did invade Ukraine and annex the Crimea peninsula with the ongoing terrorist activities in the eastern part of Ukraine. Putin has a history of these types of activities, Russia was mainly interested in the Crimea because of the location of the Black Sea fleet Home port Sevastopol.

I believe Russia also has forces stationed in Belarus close to their border with Ukraine. Right now he has some 125,000 troops and heavy equipment set up as in invasion force and it costs money to stage those sort of troops away from their regular bases. There is also a time crunch, right now they are in the winter months, once they get into spring everything turns to mud and invasion becomes much more difficult.

I hope we are wrong as this is the last thing we need this year.

J_D 2.0

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Putin's not that silly ... only an idiot would build up forces so openly.... the West needs to stand down because the wrong move could escalate the situation.... Russia has troops massed near its sovereign border....as it is perfectly entitled to do..... shipping weapons to the Ukraine is asking for trouble...
Since when has the US been logical and non-hypocritical? This is the country that still sanctions Cuba to this day for daring to allow the USSR to station nuclear missiles in Cuba.

Which is exactly the same move that the US was doing to the USSR by stationing nuclear missiles in Turkey and the NATO states.

Don‘t get me wrong, I’m not a fan of Putin but I can see why he’s paranoid of the west/US. They have expanded NATO following the end of the Cold War when they said they wouldn’t.


Can't live without smoky bacon!
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Apr 15, 2006
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Sth Auck, NZ
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HSV VS Senator, VX Calais II L67
I don't think NATO looked to expand, rather former warsaw pact countries applied to join NATO and independent states are entitled to do as they please when it comes to how they choose to achieve local/regional security. Or simply, why did all these countries choose to join NATO if Russia was such a good neighbor?

Most of the NATO countries are there as a security pact and most have no intention or capacity to launch large scale invasions. Security and strength in numbers, each nation has a nominal force but together they are formidable and will come to the defense of each other if required.

J_D 2.0

Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2020
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