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Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

Ginger Beer

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2020
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People and politicians complaining that we need more state housing for people who "choose" not to work

I acknowledge that some people have a genuine requirement due to "real" medical issues, but supplying homes to professional bludgers and druggies is insane

If you want housing, do what everyone else does, get a job and work for your money

If I was king of Australia I would evict every bludger and druggy and cut their welfare, then, when they complain about it and say it will lead them to crime, lock them in a cell and make them work for their "free" accommodation and food.

Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.


Can't live without smoky bacon!
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Got a WOF. Happy days, legal travels. Lets hit the road!


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2018
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Not everybody who is after a house is a dole bludging drug Induced wipeout. Take living in anywhere that's not a major city. A well paying job is less than $1000 a week, usually closer to $800. Low tax rate would be $220, take 4 to $500 out for rent there's not much left for food let alone car rego, electricity and living costs. Cheap housing is a thing of another age as is a single income family. There is no way a low income couple with kids could save for a house deposit in Australia now.


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Jan 17, 2010
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The opposition reckons if you can afford to rent you can afford to buy. So she wants to introduce no deposit mortgages. I personally think she needs better political advisers as the average rent is $450, whereas the starting price for a house is about $600 a week, maybe more since you would have to borrow more than the property is worth if you don't have a deposit. She also reckons she will fix the housing crisis. Again I'm not sure she fully understands how hard this would be to achieve and that it would likely take a billion dollar investment in housing. Then you still have to address the shortage of building Cos to erect these houses, and this would then increase the cost to build as there would be even more demand on materials than there already is. I'd love to sit down with her to run through the logistics, which I hope she has done before making such a bold election promise.

vc commodore

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Jun 18, 2014
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Not everybody who is after a house is a dole bludging drug Induced wipeout. Take living in anywhere that's not a major city. A well paying job is less than $1000 a week, usually closer to $800. Low tax rate would be $220, take 4 to $500 out for rent there's not much left for food let alone car rego, electricity and living costs. Cheap housing is a thing of another age as is a single income family. There is no way a low income couple with kids could save for a house deposit in Australia now.

My eldest daughter and boyfriend bought 4 years ago...Paid just over $300,000 for a house and land package. They are in the surburbs.....IMA the land isn't that big....From memory just over 350 square.

The surburb is 40 k out of the CBD...

He is on under $50K per year...I know his job, as I helped him get the thing, so I am aware of the wage........She wasn't working due to having a new baby. That child is now 7 years old

They were renting, yet were able to afford to save a deposit for a new house (yes new house) and still manage to pay rego on 2 cars (yes 2 cars), and all the essentials to live....

I have also seen house and land packages round the $350,000 mark....

So does that dispell the myth?

I'll also add in, homestart provide low deposit housing loans....

There is also a tax break with new home and/or land purchases providing you are a first time buyer of a house or land. Is with the stamp duty....Can't remember the exact details, but with ownership there are 2 taxes you pay, but if you're a first time buyer, the most expensive one is squashed...

So those that wish to really delve into the options for new ownership, there are affordable options out there IF you look...
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vc commodore

Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
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The opposition reckons if you can afford to rent you can afford to buy. So she wants to introduce no deposit mortgages. I personally think she needs better political advisers as the average rent is $450, whereas the starting price for a house is about $600 a week, maybe more since you would have to borrow more than the property is worth if you don't have a deposit. She also reckons she will fix the housing crisis. Again I'm not sure she fully understands how hard this would be to achieve and that it would likely take a billion dollar investment in housing. Then you still have to address the shortage of building Cos to erect these houses, and this would then increase the cost to build as there would be even more demand on materials than there already is. I'd love to sit down with her to run through the logistics, which I hope she has done before making such a bold election promise.

The thing I hear the most is, I cant afford it because of the cost of this that and the other.

Then 5 minutes later, they're saying, I'm heading to see such and such in concert, or I bought the latest phone or I'm heading to a night club or movies for the 2nd time this week.

Yes the cost of living is up there but when people say one thing about the costs of living then contradict themselves with their buying activities, it does make you shake your head in disbelief with their mindset


Well-Known Member
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The opposition reckons if you can afford to rent you can afford to buy. So she wants to introduce no deposit mortgages. I personally think she needs better political advisers as the average rent is $450, whereas the starting price for a house is about $600 a week, maybe more since you would have to borrow more than the property is worth if you don't have a deposit. She also reckons she will fix the housing crisis. Again I'm not sure she fully understands how hard this would be to achieve and that it would likely take a billion dollar investment in housing. Then you still have to address the shortage of building Cos to erect these houses, and this would then increase the cost to build as there would be even more demand on materials than there already is. I'd love to sit down with her to run through the logistics, which I hope she has done before making such a bold election promise.
They all, politicians make claims to make themselves sound outstanding, even though most people know they are talking ****!


Obviously Unsensible
Sep 2, 2010
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Was up proper bush for work (off road through metre high scrub kind of bush) and the Flys were horrendous.
No whiff of a breeze, no shade, nothing else around.

The arms got a workout from it atleast.

vc commodore

Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
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People and politicians complaining that we need more state housing for people who "choose" not to work

I acknowledge that some people have a genuine requirement due to "real" medical issues, but supplying homes to professional bludgers and druggies is insane

If you want housing, do what everyone else does, get a job and work for your money

If I was king of Australia I would evict every bludger and druggy and cut their welfare, then, when they complain about it and say it will lead them to crime, lock them in a cell and make them work for their "free" accommodation and food.

Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.

I remember hearing about a surburb round Adelaide that had a heavy gov't housing property base.....

The houses were fairly run down due to age and the unemployed (by choice)..

The gov't decided to build new gov't houses for these charming people, so they could demolish the old run down ones and build more new houses...

They could put 4 houses where 2 used to be...

All these charming people could say was..

"You can't kick me out of here...It's my home"....

Ungrateful dole bludging pricks....

Ginger Beer

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2020
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Not everybody who is after a house is a dole bludging drug Induced wipeout. Take living in anywhere that's not a major city. A well paying job is less than $1000 a week, usually closer to $800. Low tax rate would be $220, take 4 to $500 out for rent there's not much left for food let alone car rego, electricity and living costs. Cheap housing is a thing of another age as is a single income family. There is no way a low income couple with kids could save for a house deposit in Australia now.
In 1980, when I left home at 15, I was an apprentice on $65 a week, rent was $65 for a 2 bedroom unit, what did I do, I worked as much overtime as I could, shared the rent, and saved what I could, public transport and push bikes were my initial mode of transport.

In a year I had saved enough for a cheap car, I didn't do thinks like others were doing, I didn't drink store bought coffee, I made my lunch to take to work, I didn't gamble I didn't smoke, I rarely drunk booze, I didn't buy fancy clothes, electronic stuff or go on expensive holidays, but I still had fun in my time off, surfing, hiking, visiting friends

A few years later I was on more cash, and working OT wherever I could, and moved into a joint by myself, because from saving hard and budgeting well I had the money to pay the bond and weekly rent, and still save some dollars

I followed this same mantra for years, working hard, and saving along the way, I lived to my means, sometimes all I could save was a couple of dollars, sometimes owning a vehicle, sometimes relying on public transport, getting up at 0430 in the morning to catch public transport to start work at 0700 was hard, but it paid the bills, and it eventually added up

My parents always said "look after your pennies and your pounds will look after themselves", and never a truer words was spoken

It is up to the individual to look after themselves and slowly build wealth for the future, I worked hard, I saved as hard as I could, I up-skilled and found better paying work where I could

I did take a hit to my income about 25 years ago when I changed my career path, I went from a high paying job in construction to the defence force, but it was my choice, and it didn't take me long to move up ranks and earn more and more along the way, to the point it has accelerated my wealth more than what I would have made staying where I was, but I did study hard and work hard for it, and saved all the dollars I could

43 years later it has paid off, I retire in 1 year, and will be set for retirement owning a house, a few cars, a large slush fund, and my super, life is good

I was also careful about what people I chose to associate with in my youth, it was touch and go for a while though, I did lose my path for a bit due to me choosing the wrong people, but, after having a good hard look at myself, and where I wanted my life to go, I cut the dead wood and regained focus, all my friends have typically outlooks, all are sorted, and all will drop what they are doing if a friend is in need

My daughter, 23, has had everything she needed along the way, especially a good education, and a good work ethic installed , she started working part time as soon as she was able to at 15, and she has used all this to save and set herself up in life already, her focus and budgeting is actually better than what I tried to teach her, I credit this to her education, and learning from others mistakes, and the way she is going, she will be set up much better than I am, to say I am a proud parent would be an understatement

Strangely, some of their friends are upset that she is able to purchase property and have investments, these same friends are going out partying, drinking, going on holidays and generally pissing money away on rubbish, they say they are enjoying life, the difference is my kids are building for their future, not living in the present, and because they have strict budgets, they still get to have all the things they really need

All it takes is focusing on the important things in life and building your wealth, as well as your fitness, slowly but surely

But, during all this time working I have been paying my taxes, now they want to spend all of our tax money on people who cannot manage a budget or don't want to work by giving them more housing and dole money

Our tax money should go to infrastructure like schools, hospitals, roads and the like to improve our country, and to support the people who actually work and pay taxes

Plan for your retirement, stay fit and healthy, live to your means, not the life style you "think" you deserve

As for single income families, it is easier than ever before to work from home, full time or part time, if the person staying at home does some training WFH is available, any money coming into the budget is better than none, and I know alot of stay at home parents now that WFH, unless of course they are unable to WFH due to acute medical issues, and not just because they are wanting to be kept sugar momma's or pappa's

TL;DR: some people don't seem to put in the time and work required to get ahead in life, and then want others that do put in the time and work to support them