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Fresh prince of Pakky, Gangsta
Aug 21, 2008
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Pakenham , VIC
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Gangsta Hundy
just watched todays episode

...ffs jon snow...WHY?

edit: im hoping jon has gone into ghost until the red head bitch does somethin

also i dont believe stannis is dead.

Well we are past the books now so who knows ?

but yeah jon is safe


Slayer of Stupid Threads
Mar 13, 2007
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Glen Waverley, Victoria
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VE SSV G8 Sportswagon
Well Jecs,

In the books, his last words are "Ghost...".

I honestly want Stannis to be dead so HBO can stop butchering his ####ing character. But Stannis killed off screen by Brienne? What a joke. Theres no way. Brienne is becomming The Episode 10 killer. "Kills" The Hound and Stannis off screen in season finales.

The entire battle of ice, what a hatchet job.

Refer to my above flow chart.

It is SPOT. ####ING. ON.

Episode 9 and 10 theyve crammed so much book **** into the episodes its made no sense at all.

If Stannis is dead. Balon Greyjoy has by default won the War of the Five Kings and he was the first ####er who died in the books.


Slayer of Stupid Threads
Mar 13, 2007
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Glen Waverley, Victoria
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VE SSV G8 Sportswagon

get hype


Feb 22, 2009
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HSV XUV & Raised Cross 8 Trayback
Well Jecs,

In the books, his last words are "Ghost...".

I honestly want Stannis to be dead so HBO can stop butchering his ####ing character. But Stannis killed off screen by Brienne? What a joke. Theres no way. Brienne is becomming The Episode 10 killer. "Kills" The Hound and Stannis off screen in season finales.

The entire battle of ice, what a hatchet job.

Refer to my above flow chart.

It is SPOT. ####ING. ON.

Episode 9 and 10 theyve crammed so much book **** into the episodes its made no sense at all.

If Stannis is dead. Balon Greyjoy has by default won the War of the Five Kings and he was the first ####er who died in the books.

It seems like the episodes are so big production wise, that they just cram alot in one ep instead of extra eps, i find it annoying
Oct 15, 2013
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ya mum!
Newsflash: (again) The TV show is NOT the books. It's based on a story that's written in books but from the beginning the TV producers have said that the show is not about putting the books on screen!

I really wish the book fans would take a bloody hint!


Slayer of Stupid Threads
Mar 13, 2007
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Glen Waverley, Victoria
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VE SSV G8 Sportswagon
At this point I dont care if it follows the books.

The show was **** for reasons other than "didnt follow the books" this season and I wish some people could stop palming off those criticisms as "book snob lolololol".

It was **** because it was filled with badly written dialogue such as "Bad Pussy". It was filled with plots that left you scratching your head. It had inconsistencies upon inconsistencies.

I mean, look at Melisandre and Stannis. They had us believe he burnt Shireen because he was stuck in no mans land, the Deep North, treacherous terrain with a blizzard encroaching his camp. The horses were all dead and his men were dieing of cold. It took them 8 episodes to trek to where they had got to. Fantastic, yes I feel the dire need for a sacrifice.

Episode 10.

Random Guard: Oh Hi Stanny, the sellswords have stolen all your horses that were apparently dead from the Bolton raid and bailed.

*a few minutes later*

Random Guard: Oh Hi Stanny, Melisandre managed to find one more horse and she has traveled all the way from Winterfell to Castle Black in the space of minutes. You know, the same journey thats taken us all season and had you sacrifice your only living child to make. No biggy.

PS. Your wife who has been wanting to burn your daughter for the last 4 seasons (Television did show this) has apparently become over stricken with grief and killed herself.

WHAT IN THE HELL?! Why did they burn Shireen?

Brienne of Tarth, leaves her post for the first time in 10 episodes and stumbles across Stannis Baratheon who was at the front line of the attack, not encountering the massive Bolton Forces and JUST misses Sansa's candle?!?!?!? Then they have Stannis, who is a known stubborn horses arse, give up and ask for death when Brienne says Renly is the true king. Have they not watched the Stannis they built for the last 5 seasons? He would get up using his sword as a crutch, give Brienne the finger and die standing (not that I think he is dead).

Dorne, lets just call Dorne a total train wreck. What got me was, Arianne, I will execute you if you do not stop planning war. Ok Doran I am sorry. TRYSTANE! My only heir, please go with the Lannisters (who have killed 2 of my other heirs) to Kings Landing.

Arianne blatantly kills the kings sister 10 ####ING FEET front the shore line. Then drinks the antidote in front of everyone. May as well have had her say AHHH REFRESHING and unless Hotah leaps over to the boat and takes Trystane back, theyve got a hostage. The most important man in Dorne at this point because Doran is a cripple.

Onto For the Watch. GRRM loves to use foreshadowing in his books and its been a theme in the show as well. But holy ****. Who could have predicted Olly would stab Jon? Theres overshadowing and theres this. But that isnt even my main concern. My concern is Thorne. The episode earlier, Snow and his 5000 strong army of Wildings and Wun Wun knocked on the Wall. You know what would have been logical? Nah Im not opening the gate, go die. Not, yea sure, heres the key to the gate, please everyone come on in. Now that youve got 5000 loyal wildlings and a giant, im going to stab you - this is why GRRM had him go via Eastwatch. Also, that sign. Just paint an X on the ground and drop an anvil next time.

Change the books, go for it. AFFC and ADWD they werent the greatest works of art anyway. I can genuinely see some need to spread out the story and change things. Atleast make the story make some sense.
Last edited:


Slayer of Stupid Threads
Mar 13, 2007
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Glen Waverley, Victoria
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VE SSV G8 Sportswagon
What did I like this season?

The Walk of Shame was fantastic. A lot of people are complaining about Robert Strong but I didnt mind him. It is fairly obvious it is The Mountain though, we all knew that so it doesnt phase me. He looks imposing and has that dead look about him.

Liked most of the Kings Landing stuff. I really like that Kevan has come back, I was worried he actually left.

I really liked the filming location of Dorne, it looks spectacular, the water gardens could be more but overall happy.

Despite Ramsay becomming a Mary Sue on the show, Ive liked the Winterfell scenes.

I really liked we got "For the Watch". I didnt think they would say it. He didnt say Ghost, but that to me cements Jons future, it knocks out one of the theories out there.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2013
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I stopped reading the book after the Red Wedding so I am not comparing the book to the TV show.

What disappointed me most in episode 10 was the battle for Winterfell, it was so bloody underwhelming.

To be honest the whole season was just pretty below par. I can't believe I waited 10 months looking forward to it.

They need to make 20 episodes a season and do the plot justice and stop glancing over what should be epic scenes.

I also feel we covered approx. 25 seconds in elapse time over 10 episodes, somehow they have managed to crap **** in and make it feel like the show didn't go anywhere.

In summary next season needs more rooting, more fighting, more episodes and less cutaways from important events.
Oct 15, 2013
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ya mum!
I stopped reading the book after the Red Wedding so I am not comparing the book to the TV show.

What disappointed me most in episode 10 was the battle for Winterfell, it was so bloody underwhelming.

To be honest the whole season was just pretty below par. I can't believe I waited 10 months looking forward to it.

They need to make 20 episodes a season and do the plot justice and stop glancing over what should be epic scenes.

I also feel we covered approx. 25 seconds in elapse time over 10 episodes, somehow they have managed to crap **** in and make it feel like the show didn't go anywhere.

In summary next season needs more rooting, more fighting, more episodes and less cutaways from important events.

Yes! And I think I covered a lot of that too. :D Season 5 was **** compared with previous seasons, but not because it didn't follow the books.

Couldn't agree more! And then not much in Episode 9 either. And with one episode left, this season is going to be the most disappointing to date...

What happened to the good old days of 20+ episodes per season? Imagine that!

Considering the show has all but caught up with the books, things will be different. I think it's safe to assume Jon Snow doesn't "die" per-say. He is a descendant of the Night's King after all. But where things go after Season 5 is anyone's guess...

Daenerys' whole storyline is complete frustration from the moment she arrives in Meereen. She has a massive, elite army at her disposal, not to mention her dragons, and has been brutal when she needed to be up until Meereen. Since then she's just faffed about with an occasional poking from Daario. The chat with Tyrion was compelling and she clearly wants to sit on the Iron Throne but she still decided to keep faffing about in Meereen until she flees back to the Great Grass Sea. Then what? Pfffft! Arya and Sansa are all but irrelevant, Bran's storyline just ended and the potential for Jon Snow is fading.

The whole GoT is beyond frustrating and being drawn out too much. It's a show that's screwing someone for the first time and while there was initial enjoyment (Seasons 1 - 3), it's been, and still is, thinking about it's grandma to draw it out. It better bloody well be a HUGE climax or it won't have been worth it.

At this rate I'd be happy to see the White Walkers team up with the Children of the Forrest and wipe everyone out.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
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Too much bitching here, this show is amazing television - better than many movies in depth and scope.

I have to pinch myself every week to remind me this is a tv show.