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  • Everyone Please Note that Greenfoam is currently only available through his ebay sales, please contact him through there.

    Seriously, he hasn't logged in almost a year, stop posting comments asking for tunes on here.
    Tempting offer. We could sort mine out while we're there, it's hitting the steering rack something chronic :p
    ey greenfoam just curious if u could do me a memcal for a vp series 2 3.8ltr and how much would be greatly appricataed!!!
    G'day greenfoam. I wacked a question on aussiev8 and got sideshifted your way, regarding replacing a 308 in an fj45 with a 304 from an auto VS. Can you just rewrite memcal to make ecu go with fj45 gearbox?
    done some research figured out most of my probs regarding software..
    it would appear that the chip reader i read the bin with was not reliable..
    cant find any info on which pins need to be in the socket...
    any info/direction would be much appreciated
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