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keith reed
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  • sorry Keith reed should have said re main seal for a vr v8 hsv
    keith reed
    keith reed
    My engine is a vp v8 and that is what I have in my car so that is the one you want. They have to be either cut to fit or you can buy them already cut online. I think the price was about $90. I think there are a lot of Pontiacs that use that seal. prior to the LS
    High Keith hope your well just need help regarding we’re do I get my hands on the 350 cev neoprene seal please
    thanks for your help hope your all well regarding the floods
    keith reed
    keith reed
    We are well thanks. The person you want to talk to at J and L Machining is Jeff. He owns the place. Ask him if it is necessary to weld up the rear main to remove the knurling. I had mine done but there are two schools of thought on this. If anyone knows he will
    Check ur own cleverness dimwit, havelock north has been a suburb of hastings since 1989
    keith reed
    keith reed
    It wasn't when we lived there. What about Whakatu? What about the Chesterhope bridge? If you keep up this feeble attempt at trying to be clever you won't last long on this forum. When does school start again?
    Chúng tôi Làm báo cáo tài chính chuyên Dịch vụ quyết toán thuế và Dịch vụ thành lập công ty tại Hà Nội giá rẻ.
    Hey Keith

    apparently there's updates on the BCCC Facebook page - I don't follow Facebook so can't really comment
    But I've received a couple of group emails from Sonia with updates. Apparently the forum software is being updated and they are having some teething problems. Should be back online soon

    Unfortunately I don't have Rob's phone number. It's listed in the admin section in the forum, but can't access the forum ;)
    Will let you know if I find anything else out.

    hey Keith,

    no idea mate, I haven't heard anything
    It's been down for a few days now
    Hopefully back up soon!
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