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  • sticker arrived today 15 days after payment made. Minus the free white sticker that was promised. Sticker is good, however communication lacking and only forthcoming after being initiated by me on the 2nd or 3rd attempt at contact. UNderstand work commitments or euipment issues get in the way. But its helpful if there is communication. Not being told eventually it will be posted mon or tues and it actually got sent thursday without a message to say "hey we've been a bit busy, sorry".
    Hi, just wondering if u got the dash facia still for sale, and if it has the cut out for the foglights and are the clips ok.
    Also is the indicator stalk have cruise control.
    If yes, ill take them off u
    hey mate
    i dont mean to be a pain in the ass but did you get the PM i sent on wednesday about the stickers?
    if possible could i get 2 instead of 1
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