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  • Hi mate I read a post you commented on about the vx with no power at the diag plug I'm having the exact same problem can you tell me what pin you ran power to
    Ok,do you have the engine loom and the plus the loom for the computer???

    With my conversion it was done with a VP engine and complete loom.Wiring is different to VS.I had a mate who was an electrician who modified the relay/fuse box and wiring.But i still had to wire up a few wires.I swapped the battery over to the drivers side.I used basically all the loom except for the wires/relay that the electrician eliminated.You dont actually wire any wires to the ECU.I had to wire up a wire to supply 12V ignition to a terminal on the ECU pin because it was an VP ECU and loom they have a remote to start/switch ECU on so thats how i did it.

    I'm not sure with the VS gear like i said wiring different.I would suggest getting a auto elect to have a look at it.Ownly cost me a carton so yeah.Remember you will need to run the VS oil pressure switch it works the fuel pump switches power to it.
    hey mate i bought a hz panelvan that has injected 5 liter in it but hadnt been wired ive done the majority of the wiring except the ignition wat wires do i hook to the computer its a vs engine computer and loom if you could help me out it would be great. also wat wires do i run to the starter motor. cheers
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