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  1. AreWeThereYet

    Key fob making "pocket calls"

    Having trouble with your key fob unlocking the car or the boot lid without your knowledge? I was - because the lock/unlock buttons were being accidentally pressed in my pocket. It is great to return to your car after an hour's shopping to find the boot lid in the air or the car unlocked. I...
  2. AreWeThereYet

    Disintgrating key fobs

    I have the standard 2 key fobs for my VF Calais. On both key fobs, the rubber buttons are falling apart, i.e. the rubber is tearing and separating from the fob. Has anyone else noticed this? It is not as if either my wife or I are stabbing the buttons with sharp finger nails. In fact I...
  3. AreWeThereYet

    Mystery item in boot

    Can anyone enlighten me what this item is in the boot of my Calais? It is normally hidden under the floor mat and is right at the forward end of the boot floor - that's the back of the fold down rear seat we are looking at. The red bit seems to be something like a plastic reflector which is...
  4. AreWeThereYet

    Computer glitches

    Every now and again my VF Calais computer throws a wobbly and reverts to default settings. The most obvious are the saved radio settings are lost and the passenger mirror dips when reversing (I have set this to off), but I am sure there would be other altered settings I have not noticed...