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  1. dizzycenterpede

    My VS Commy ute with lambo doors

    My VS Commy ute with lambo doors -NOW FOR SALE- Hey guys this is my vs ute just thought I would show you wat i've done and where its up to cheers Matt JUST CLICK THE IMAGE FOR A LARGER ONE!! This is what the ute looked like when i got it still at the car yard!! This is after some...
  2. dizzycenterpede

    5Ltr Conversion to 5.7Ltr

    Hi just wondering if any1 has converted a VS Commodore 5ltr to a 5.7ltr gen 3? Or does any1 know how hard it is or easy for that matter? Cheers Matt
  3. dizzycenterpede

    Bodykits for VR and VS

    Hey guys i've been looking forever for a unique bodykit that looks good on commys i cant find anything that i like does any1 know of anything out there thats different???