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    still need help with sports gauges not lighting up when ignition switch on.have checked all fuses
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    dandjmj sports gauges 08 ve ss

    08 VE SS sports gauges won.t light-up,was working any body have ideas,really need help :eek:
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    replace oil dip stick holder

    NEED HELP i can,t remember where the dip stick holder goes, the hole in the block is behind the engine mount bracket,does it go through one of the holes in bracket or either side of it?
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    ve ssv vibration

    hi every-one can anybody help me,i have a vibration,seems to be coming from front,you can feel it in the body,only on straight line driving,goes away when turning left or right,disapears over about 90,have new tyres balanced and wheel alignment..DONE any HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED
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    torque settings

    hi all:can any-one tell me the torque setting for the driveshaft to hub nut on a ve ssv 08 ?:idea3: