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  1. C

    I need Tech 2 card / software which have Holden Cruze on it

    I am after Holden software / card for Tech 2 with Holden Cruze on it. thanks
  2. C

    How to find my Holden Cruze on Tech 2 ?

    I just bought Tech 2 with Holden software but can't find my 2009 1.8L Holden Cruze on it. There is so many Holden models on it but no Cruze. Does any one know under what model i can find it ?
  3. C

    GM Tech 2 on 2009 Cruze

    I just bought Tech 2 with Holden software but can't find my 2009 1.8L Holden Cruze on it. There is so many Holden models on it but no Cruze. Does any one know under what model i can find it ?
  4. C

    GM Tech 2 - Captiva engine light is ON

    I have orange engine light came ON yesterday but car is driving as usual. Friend of mine just bought Tech 2 but never used. I need someone to guide me step by step how to use it and to check why is that light ON and how to turn it OFF. So simple step by step in writing will do ! Thank you
  5. C

    Can I use GM Tech 2 on following :

    I'd like to know can I use Tech 2 to encode keyheads for vt vx vy vz ...? If yes can I use it straight out of the box or I 'll need TIS Security access to do that ? Please let know ASAP...URGENT ! Thank you
  6. C

    Tech 2 GM

    Can I use Tech 2 to link ls1 bcm to pcm and if yes does it need TIS !?