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Recent content by Veewhyfan

  1. Veewhyfan

    It's Motorsport Baby!

    Ah it was a lot of fun, sadly I'm not. Family stuff happened and the second car needed to be an automatic. Coupled with it blowing out coil packs and modules when I was out to tea with the family in law.. well that was the end of it. I MISS IT SO MUCH! I'm getting ready to take the new race...
  2. Veewhyfan

    what did you do to your car today?

    And I found a problem with my new Calais today, driving home late through the city, couple of punters thought I was their Uber. Suppose it’s pretty nice :p
  3. Veewhyfan

    Old Cameras

    Yeah it's a different kind of experience for sure. Me and my mates sometimes go full dork mode, we get small capacity memory cars. like 512meg, cover the LCD screens of our digital cameras with gaffa, then pretend we are in 1991 and take the ~30 or so pictures that fit on the tiny card. You...
  4. Veewhyfan

    Old Cameras

    Oooooh what a lottery! Ah it will be great if they survive, by the sounds of it you have a great chance.
  5. Veewhyfan

    Old Cameras

    providing they were kept dry-ish and the canister still has its felt in tact (i.e didn't get to hot) it probably survived ok. You are probably looking at roughly ~$30 these days to get c41 film developed (standard colour process of yesteryear) Go get it sorted, might find some nice surprises :)
  6. Veewhyfan

    Old Cameras

    Hang on to it juuuuuuuust a while longer. Pentax are just about to release a new film camera lol. They have been flirting with this for a decade but it looks like it's gonna happen. Pentax is weird, they do weird stuff. But that K1000 is such a good example of the non weird stuff that made...
  7. Veewhyfan

    what did you do to your car today?

    Indeed! I'm doing alright but I'll miss the VY.
  8. Veewhyfan

    what did you do to your car today?

    Sold it :( Nice young guy turned up, will be turned into a drifter. Plans for L67's etc, ah glad it's continuing it's motorsport adventures. Family is happy, I = "sniff"
  9. Veewhyfan

    Top Gear Cancelled After 46 Years

    Yeah those clips are great. Seeing them mess around doing dumb stuff is charming :) I love the "Old Top Gear" with Tiff et al, who can actually drive, driving things. I offer at times the "New Top Gear" went a little to wild with dumb stuff to keep my attention. There are too many episodes...
  10. Veewhyfan

    Misses says get a new car, get a new car I will. (Juuust Checking VE's)

    Whats rego in NSW worth these days? (vic rego includes CTP insurance)
  11. Veewhyfan

    Misses says get a new car, get a new car I will. (Juuust Checking VE's)

    Not gonna lie, its kinda great having a the silly stiff(er) VY for wet round-a-bouts in the wee hours and the Calais for everything else.. Reckon I'll be a little tardy putting the for sale add up.
  12. Veewhyfan

    Old Cameras

    Now that's clearly a battle for the shed I don't want to have to choose. Noice!
  13. Veewhyfan

    Old Cameras

    I’m interested in your photos of dead dingo creek. I discovered a Pentax k1000 when at uni and it quickly turned into a silly great hobby. Started collecting a whole bunch of film cameras, started exploring the east / west German things, ended up with early Soviet cameras and lenses and it...
  14. Veewhyfan

    Old Cameras

    Thread dig because of the cute little Diax range finder! You must have worked it out by now, and I hope you mad a nice little return on these collectible beauties! That's a German made '~1954 cute little ranger finder. It should have had interchangeable lenses with a 40.5mm thread on it...
  15. Veewhyfan

    Misses says get a new car, get a new car I will. (Juuust Checking VE's)

    HAHAHAH Just picked up the plates (owner wanted his euro's back as it's his Kids initials, cute!) Gotta rock the slim line state blue issued plates, if anything just to annoy the family in NSW come Christmas. Teller gives me; 1UA - 1EV Interesting Interesting. In the rear view mirror they...