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Recent content by Snowfox

  1. Snowfox

    VT manuals vs automatics produced

    Ok well thanks for all the input guys its much appreciated ! My budget is increasing and I'm also considering the VS so in any case I'll have to post some pix when I get the car although preferably with some goodies installed eg mags :)
  2. Snowfox

    VT manuals vs automatics produced

    Just wondering if anyone can tell me how many VT V6 Commodores were made with manual vs automatic transmission or the ratio between the two. Apologies if this has been posted as I have searched and found no info on this. I'm in the market for a VT V6 and I have $10 000 to spend so it would be...
  3. Snowfox

    wot ticks you off?

    What pisses me off is mechanics who refuse to use the handbrake when their finished with the car . Its not that hard...
  4. Snowfox

    a little... brekky..

    Its usually weet bix with honey or sugar. Fried eggs on toast with dead horse if I can be bothered. Followed by a Red Bull if its a work day.
  5. Snowfox

    Pet Photos

    I have two dogs also but here is my cat Arnold attempting to devour my radio controlled cars..
  6. Snowfox

    vk taillights into vl?

    Aftermarket ones cost me $140 with overnight freight for both left and right. Anyways to replace them remove the five self tapping screws from behind each light and also the two little bolts from behind the centre piece and the whole thing comes off as one piece. Then remove the screws holding...
  7. Snowfox

    car add ons lol

    "I'll be your friend till the end" lol.
  8. Snowfox

    Tyre tread depth

    Thanx for the info guys ! My car is half illegal, oops. I have the reddies though so thats cool.
  9. Snowfox

    Tyre tread depth

    Does anyone know the minimum legal tyre tread depth in NSW ? Cheers, searched but couldn't find it here..
  10. Snowfox

    I hate tailgaters

    What amazes me is that people tailgating actually think they are achieving something. Like their going to get from A to B 15 minutes faster by sitting on someones arse. I guess these guys failed science at school.
  11. Snowfox

    Anyone Help?

    Does anyone elses ashtrays jump out and walk around the car interior ?
  12. Snowfox

    Cleaning you car - What do you use?

    hahaha..yeah I know what u mean. Mine lasted about 3 hours before it rained and because its so dusty here the car is now off-white. I wash it with a ****tail of Polyglaze auto wash and Armorall heavy duty carwash. Windex for the windows and Armorall protectant or Polyglaze solar care for the...
  13. Snowfox

    Banning the American Pitbull: Whats your thoughts?

    We have had some pretty horrific dog attacks here, on people and other dogs. Some by the pitbulls and some by various other breeds. I would need to know more about it to make an informed opinion but I think its the owners more than the dogs. Look at people and how their upbringing/experiences...
  14. Snowfox

    chug chug..

    I've had this prob on and off for a while but now it seems worse maybe due to the cool temperature. Basically it chugs at the bottom of a gear. Usually second or third at low revs, sort of jerks back and forth, hard to describe. Giving it some revs seems to rectify it. Today it was doing it in...
  15. Snowfox


    Country NSW finally has frost. I'm alternating between the gas heater and the pc.