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Kayne_L's latest activity

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    Kayne_L replied to the thread Ecotec head bolts.
    Thanks heaps mate
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    Kayne_L posted the thread Ecotec head bolts in General.
    Hey guys I was just wondering if ecotec head bots are single use. or if I take them out I can reuse them or need to get new ones ?
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    Kayne_L posted the thread Fuel return hose / line in General.
    I need to get my fuel rail out in my v6 ecotec and I’m having trouble disconnecting the fuel return line from the fuel rail (not the end...
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    Hey guys I got home from with the other day and I could smell fuel I opend the engine bay and cycled the key and one of the top o rings...
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    Kayne_L posted the thread Nock sensors v6 in General.
    Hey guys I just carried out an engine replacement in my v6 vu ute and it all runs fine but it seems that there is less power than there...
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    Kayne_L replied to the thread VU V6 engine mounts.
    Thanks for the comments bous I got it in eventually I put the drivers side in first then loosend the passenger side engine mount then...