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Recent content by 383 hatch

  1. 383 hatch

    My Torana Rebuild

    Yeh, it has been a while. I don't really come on here anymore, last night was the first time in months. Anyway, as has been already said, I sold my ute. Some of the proceeds have gone towards finishing this car off to the standard I want it. First on the agenda was to finish my 9" diff, then do...
  2. 383 hatch

    WB Ute, Injected 5 litre Project.

    Havn't been on here for ages. Yes, this was on eBay and yes it did sell, so it's now in its new owners hands. To be honest, I didn't really want to sell it and was sad to see it go. However, we just had no use for it anymore. We had a baby girl 18 months ago, so with only three seats it was not...
  3. 383 hatch

    My Torana Rebuild

    I'll just leave this here. This is from when I first got it running so excuse all the loose end that needed to be tied up. The video doesn't really do it any justice, but you get the idea.
  4. 383 hatch

    My Torana Rebuild

    Thanks mate. My parents bought this car off my brother for me as my first car for a couple of grand (no driveline). I just got it insured tonight for 40K. It's come a long way from those days.
  5. 383 hatch

    My Torana Rebuild

    Haha, you remember the cold nights cruising in this...I was planning on putting a heater in this time, but I just don't think I can bring myself to drill holes in the firewall for heater hoses. I could put a couple of 12 volt hair dryers under the dash though. I'll see how I go.
  6. 383 hatch

    My Torana Rebuild

    Thanks mate. Sometimes when I walk out into the shed and see it sat there, I have to remind myself that it's actually mine. Sat next to the ute makes me realise how lucky I am to have 2 nice cars. No honeymoon, I was back at work on Monday. We are saving the money we got from the wedding to...
  7. 383 hatch

    My Torana Rebuild

    Just some photos I took tonight to send off to my insurance company. You'll have to excuse the interior as it's not quiet finished yet and it really doesn't suit the car anymore but I'll sort that out soon enough.
  8. 383 hatch

    My Torana Rebuild

    Thanks mate. I'm happy for anyone to take pics of it anytime. Although, it's had that many pics taken of it in the last few days it's not funny. One more I found.
  9. 383 hatch

    My Torana Rebuild

    So, as dirbatua has posted, it made the wedding. However, what you guys don't know is that it actually ran and drove, brakes and all. We fired it up for the first time on Wednesday arvo. It fired up first turn of the key. Everything went really well except for a problem with the head studs...
  10. 383 hatch

    My Torana Rebuild

    Yeh, I'm with you. They're just a temporary measure to get it to the wedding as I don't have $1000 to spend on new chrome bars. So painted bars was the cheapest and easiest way to get it looking like a complete car. They're actually growing on me, but I still think it needs chrome bars. I...
  11. 383 hatch

    My Torana Rebuild

    So, just a few pics of how it sits as of tonight. The body is pretty much done, apart from lining up the drivers guard to the nosecone (two person job), painting and fitting the tailgate and putting the windscreen in. This week will be all about getting the motor running and the rest of the...
  12. 383 hatch

    My Torana Rebuild

    So, just a quick pic to show you where I'm at as I really don't have the time to do a proper update. I'm too busy working on it... This was taken last night.
  13. 383 hatch

    My Torana Rebuild

    Thanks mate. I havn't had the time to do any updates as I've been flat out working on it. Trust me, it is progressing though. Stay tuned for an update.
  14. 383 hatch

    My Torana Rebuild

    I'm Thanks mate. Everything is going ok so far, however I'm really starting to doubt it's going to be finished enough to actually drive it there. It's got heaps of little things to go like wiring up the lights, indicators and such. Then I still have to build an exhaust. So, I'll probably end...
  15. 383 hatch

    My Torana Rebuild

    Haha, not a chance. LX dash is just about assembled. Looks fantastic.